

Features in the manufacture of construction grids

Features in the manufacture of construction grids

Building grids are the internal "skeleton" of a plaster or putty composition, which, due to its strength properties,

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Building grids are the internal "skeleton" of a plaster or putty composition, which, due to its strength properties, prevents the appearance of cracks on the surface due to changes in temperature and humidity, mechanical influences, non-compliance with the technology of preparation of building compounds, etc.

Types of grids by manufacturing method:

1. A net made by weaving (Ribbon weaving). It is an interweaving of warp and weft threads.

2. A mesh made by the basic knitting method.

This type of glass mesh consists of three systems of threads formed into a grid using basic knitting equipment. With this method of mesh production, one system of threads (weft) is laid on top of another (warp) and fastened (stitched) by a third system of threads. With this method of mesh production, the warp and weft threads do not intertwine with each other, but lie on top of each other, which reduces mechanical loads at their intersections, which reduces premature degradation of the material. Mahina-TST construction grids are made by a basic knitting method!

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